Monday, July 21, 2014

Olive Bread

For my bachelorette party, my bridesmaid, her husband, and my bridesman went all out making food from the Game of Thrones cookbook and the accompanying website. One of the favorites was the olive bread. I made a batch to take to a friend's house for dinner!


We also made churro bites... angel food cake rolled in cinnamon sugar!

Yesterday was the boss's birthday, so I threw this little thing together for her (it's just felt on the back, so it can easily be adapted to be a magnet, patch, Christmas ornament, whatever).

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Ramona Flowers Purse

As you learned from seeing my welding goggles, I'm going to be Ramona Flowers for Halloween (after Damson goes home, sadface) which means I need a subspace purse... which means one of two options: spend over $100 or make one. So I made one. It's obviously not the same quality as one I could buy, but it works for a Halloween costume. Damson helped!

Assembling our materials

And skip straight to the finished product!
So far, we've managed to get the goggles, pink shorts, purple leggings, black boots, black jacket, and now the purse! All that's left is the hoodie, nail polish, and cutting/dying my hair (which will happen the week of Halloween).